Finn Wager’s luck has run out. Arrested for the one crime he didn’t actually commit, he’s forced to finish his education at an alternative school. The Revelations Institute is an upscale, private reform school with a 100% success rate. Delinquents go in and model citizens come out. But students who don’t perform to expectations disappear. And although their bodies return model citizens, their minds are hardly their own. Something evil lurks inside Revelations, and if Finn and his new friend Hope can't find a way to stop it, they’ll risk more than their lives. The repercussions could cost them their souls.
An interview with Finn Wager, main character of Wager’s Price
What’s your name and how old are you?
Finn Wager. I’m fifteen and a sophomore at Beaverton High School.
Do you have a nickname?
My best friend, Mike, calls me Finn Shady, but it’s a joke. There’s nothing shady
or thug-like about me. My ADHD meds make it hard for me to gain weight, so I’m
smaller than most of my friends, which means most adults tend to either overlook
me or underestimate me. I use this to me advantage.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Play video games. The one good thing about having a father who works all the
time is I have plenty of money to feed my habit. I built a Holographic Omni
Recognition Unit I call HORU, a completely interactive artificial intelligence that
amps up all my Holo games. I take HORU with me wherever I go using a
specially designed earpiece.
HORU helps you with more than video games, doesn’t she? Tell me about
Deviant Joe.
Who told you about Deviant Joe?
We’re all friends here. It’s safe to share.
Okay, okay, my friends and I have this thing we do where we use HORU to
record epic pranks and upload them to our channel on the Internet. We have a
huge following, but no one knows it’s us because we’re always careful to conceal
our faces. I’m the mastermind. I come up with the pranks. My friend Mike, he’s
the muscle. He’s big and he’s already driving, which comes in handy because
our parents absolutely cannot know what we’re up to. Jayden is our gasoline. He
always figures out a way to take the prank up a notch. The only problem is,
sometimes Jayden goes too far and things get dangerous. That’s why we have
Wyatt. Wyatt is our brakes. He keeps us from doing anything that could get us or
somebody else hurt or even killed.
You called yourself the mastermind. What word would you say best
describes your abilities?
What is your deepest fear?What’s next for you after Wager’s Price?
The only thing worse than not being able to keep my friends safe would be
knowing that I am the reason they are in danger. That’s my darkest fear.
I made a mistake, okay? I did something bad and someone I loved paid the price.
I’m going to make it right. I’m going to put everything back where it belongs. I
promise you.
Get to know Finn in Wager’s Price, Soulkeepers Reborn Book One, available
now at the following retailers http://smarturl.it/WickediBooks,
http://smarturl.it/WickedKindle, http://smarturl.it/WickedNook, http://smarturl.it/WickedKobo,
http://smarturl.it/WickedPlay. Then sign up for G.P. Ching’s VIP newsletter at
www.gpching.com to be notified when Hope’s Promise, Book Two releases in
February 2018.

G.P. Ching is a USA Today bestselling author of science fiction and fantasy novels for young adults and not-so-young adults. She bakes wicked cookies, is commonly believed to be raised by wolves, and thinks both the ocean and the North Woods hold magical healing powers. G.P.'s idea of the perfect day involves several cups of coffee and a heavy dose of nature. She splits her time between central Illinois and Hilton Head Island with her husband, two children, and a Brittany spaniel named Jack, who is always ready for the next adventure. Learn more about G.P. Ching and her work at gpching.com.
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