It's finally here--RELEASE DAY for When We Were Us, Keeping Score Series Book 1.
Guys I'm so excited about this release! I had the privilege of proofreading this book and it is one that you HAVE to check out!!! :) I loved it!!!
Join us at the Birthday and Release Bash right here.
The Trio. That's who we've been since birth: Nate, Leo . . . and me, Quinn, the token girl. Our mothers met in a prenatal class and became best friends, which meant that the three of us hit every milestone together, from the first day of school to the very first kiss. And beyond. I've always been caught in the middle between the two boys. I've been in love with Leo since I was eight, even though he doesn't see me as anything but his pal. And I know that Nate's hung up on me. I see the look in his eyes. I wish I could say I felt the same, but I don't. It's getting harder and harder to keep him in the friend zone, though. Things between the three of us aren't easy anymore. Leo's popular, the football team's star receiver, and the object of every girl's fantasy. I know he doesn't mean to leave us behind, but now Nate and I are just people he used to know. What used to be so simple is suddenly messy and complicated. Leo is all I've ever wanted, but even if I had the chance to be with him, how would Nate would handle it? When that chance does come along . . . in the most unexpected way . . . I'm helpless to resist Leo. What was always meant to be is finally happening . . . but will it come at the risk of losing both my friends?

When We Were Us April 7th
Hanging By A Moment May 24th
Days of You and Me September 27th
You can buy When We Were Us now at all major retailers. iBooks/Amazon/Nook/Kobo/Google Play
Read an exclusive excerpt right here!
Excerpt :
“Nate, I’m not defending Leo. I think the way he treats us is shitty. I’m just saying, I don’t think he actually realizes it sometimes. He looked genuinely surprised and hurt today when I said he didn’t know me anymore.”“You said that to him?” Nate sounded both surprised and pleased.“Yep.” The errant strand of hair fell into my face again, but before I could blow it out of the way, Nate reached over and gently tucked it behind my ear. He trailed one finger over my jaw, just barely skimming the skin. I froze, painfully aware of how close he was sitting to me and the brush of his breath on my neck.It was getting more and more difficult to ignore the hints Nate dropped about his feelings toward me. More than once, he’d acted as though we were already a couple. Even this afternoon, when he’d stopped at the newspaper office, there had been an air of possessiveness that transcended our reality—that we were best friends, and nothing else. But until Nate actually made a move, I couldn’t very well tell him I didn’t feel the same way about him. And I didn’t want to hurt him—the very thought of that made my stomach clench and roll.So I fell back onto my old stand-by: ignore and deflect. With a half-laugh that sounded forced even to my own ears, I ran both hands over the top of my head, pulling back my hair and holding it in ponytail form.“God, I swear, this hair drives me nuts. I should just cut it all off.”“No way.” Nate shifted back, and if there was disappointment on his face, I chose to ignore it. “Your hair is so pretty.”“Oh, you’re sweet, Nate.” I rolled a hair band off my wrist and secured it over my hair. “Don’t worry. I don’t think I could ever get rid of it. I just like to complain about how much it bugs me.” I tightened the band and then scooted over just a little, so I could swivel and bend up my knee as I faced Nate.“Listen, I know Leo’s said and done some things that hurt you. And me, too. I’m not sticking up for him, but I’m not willing to make him our enemy either. We have too much history, the three of us. When I look at him, I try to see that boy instead of the football star. You know?”Nate shrugged, but his eyes never left my face. “It always was easier for you to forgive Leo. You’ve always been willing to think the best of him.”“I’d do the same for you.” I covered his hand where it rested on the warm brick of the porch.“I’d never put you in a position where you’d have to do that.” Nate pushed himself to his feet, teetering just slightly. He grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. “I gotta go. See you tomorrow, Quinn.”
And now here's your piece of the puzzle! T
Visit all the participating blogs (linked below) in this release day blitz and collect the letters.
One Handed Book Reads
Wicked Babes Blog Reviews
Readers Heaven
Reviewing in Chaos
Paranormal Romance Trance
Fictional Rendezvous Book Blog
Clarice's Book Nook
Need Epic Reads
Book Plus Heart
Here is what I read
My Book Chatter
2 Girls a Book & a Glass of Wine
The Pen and Muse Book Reviews
Gina's Library of Reviews
Second Book to the Right
Susan Heim on Writing
Sassy Southern Book
My Family's Heart
Redheads Reading Moments in West FL
I Read Indie
My Crafty Life
In Patti's Imagination
The Twisted Book Curmudgeon
Book Crushin Brains,
Beauty, Brains and Books!
The puzzle is:
I like _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _
In football _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the field
And in _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
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