by : Kathi Haacke Morehead
Publication: Feb. 14, 2015
ISBN: 0692316892
Length: 248 pages
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction
Joanna Anderson Campbell lived the perfect life ... loving daughter and sister, loyal friend, faithful wife, and devoted mother. She was happy and content. What more could she have asked for? Life could not have been better. At least ... that's what she believed. Until she died. Can death teach the most valuable lessons about life? Jo Campbell is about to find out.
Autographed Copy: http://www.kathimorehead.com/
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It was a wonderful time, Soul, and if it’s you who’s bringing this to me, I thank you with everything that I am. Or we are. Or however this goes. To see Max and me so unfettered by issues, so pure in our hearts. I just can’t even describe how happy I am.
“I’ve told you Jo, it’s you that’s generating these memories. I’m just a spectator. It’s you walking through the things you need to so that you can learn. Honestly? I wasn’t confident we’d get here because I wasn’t sure that you were strong enough to take on Max this time around, at least not in the way that you’re going to need to. But you know? You got this. I can feel it. Not going to be easy, but you got this.”
For the first time since our journey began, I feel tears for Soul. They sting the back of my consciousness like gnats I want to swipe away, but I know it’s impossible to do. Why do I feel this? Do I finally believe that Soul is sincere? That she wants me to succeed at whatever it is that I’m here to succeed at? Onething I now know as surely as I know anything: Soul is everything to me. Of course, I’d rather have pins stuck in my eyes than tell her that. She tends to get annoying if you throw kudos her way.
“I heard that.” Again, the laughter-deep, vibrant. It enfolds me in a blanket of warmth and love. I am so in love with that laugh!

Kathi Haacke Morehead makes her fiction debut with WHITE NIGHT. She is the author of HEART BLEED: Letting go and stanching the flow, and THE BEST FROM THE CHEAP SEATS. She has also written numerous articles for Mind Body Green, and Boomeon. She also blogs daily at A View From the Cheap Seats Today. Kathi lives in Brunswick with her husband Dave and their four finicky felines. Her motto is "love and laugh!"
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