Sci-fi Dystopian (Sequel to Glistening Haven)
In Glistening Haven, Jenna Morgan fought to uncover a government conspiracy. In Glistening Rebellion, she fights for her life. New Haven 57 is opening for business—bigger landscape, nicer homes, and tougher reconditioning techniques that will make resistant glistenings docile. A caravan of glistenings from overcrowded concentration camps are enroot to their new home. For Jenna Morgan it’s the final job before she retires forever to a happy low key life. When the escape glistenings from New Haven 56 attack, a simple transportation job turns into life or death. Jenna does the unspeakable and is pulled back into a fight she wants no part of. With an assassin on her tail, her loyalties are questioned. She will need to decide once and for all, which side she’s on as she teeters on the brink of full out war.
Buy on Glistening Rebellion and Glistening Haven (Part 1) on Amazon
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Feb 3rd-Feb 9th Glistening Rebellion will be
99 cents on Amazon!

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