The Accidental Siren ~ Excerpt :
“You actually think I have superpowers?” Mara’s face glowed amber in the
light of a dying prayer candle. The cavern’s pipes fell to the blackness of
my peripherals; for all I knew, we were the lone survivors of the
“Think about it,” I said. “How do you explain all those boys outside your
window? You saw them, right?”
“Duh. Every time I looked out my window there were more.”
“They even went back to steal your stuff! And what about that psycho woman?
She took you out of school and never let you out of the house. That’s not
“Plus, I’ve known those bullies since preschool and they’ve always been
jerks–’specially Danny–but I’ve never seen them like that. They were
totally nuts.”
“You think I made them like that?”
“Not on purpose. I just think that boys really, really like you when they
see you. And when you sing...”
“When I sing... what?”
I shrugged. I didn’t intend to finish the thought. “It’s different somehow.
Special. Did you see the way that Danny’s uncle looked at you? Who does
“Lots of guys do that.”
“Maybe to you. But not to other girls.”
Mara’s pupils had consumed all but a sliver of her irises. She truly didn’t
“I think we should do some experiments,” I said.
“To test my superpowers?”
“But only if you want to.”
Mara considered the idea. “Kinda like a comic book.”
She nodded and grinned. “Let’s do it.”
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BUY THE ACCIDENTAL SIREN: Paperback - Amazon / Lulu /Barnes & Noble eBook Kindle /iBookstore /Nook /EPUB from Lulu / Smashwords (Free until October 16th)
*Note- the Accidental Siren is FREE until October 16th on Smashwords HERE Download and Leave a review on Amazon for EXTRA points *The Accidental Siren* is one of four books in the "Blank Canvas Series." They're all very different books, but all related thematically. The other books are *Lighthouse Nights*, *The Brandywine Prophet*, and *The Day I Wore Purple*. The first three are all available on Smashwords and Amazon. Tour starts September 25 The author is having a contest -
2* custom designed v-neck t-shirts from Bare Tree Apparel ( http://www.thebaretree.com/)2* pairs of Mara Lynn's purple earrings from jewelry designer Allison Perkins (pictures coming soon!) 2* signed and numbered paperbacks of The Accidental Siren 1 Skype date with the author. One-on-one video, audio, or text chat with Jake 4 paperbacks of The Accidental Siren
All above winners will also receive an mp3 CD with music that inspired all four of Jake VanderArk's books, as well as the music he listens to as he writes. 2 ebooks of Lighthouse Nights ( http://jakevanderark.com/novels/lighthouse-nights/) 2 ebooks of The Brandywine Prophet ( http://jakevanderark.com/novels/the-brandywine-prophet/)
Fill the form out below to enter for a chance to win a Rafflecopter giveaway Follow the Tour

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